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Zeiss Ikon Donata (227/7)
France Version française
Photos by AL text by Sylvain Halgand. From the collection of AL. Last update 2021-02-08 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in Germany from 1926 to 1932.
Index of rarity in France: Infrequent (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 12058

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Zeiss Ikon 

Donata camera models are available in 6.5 x 9 or 9 x 12 cm format, and with different lens / shutter combinations. The one presented here is a 9 x 12 cm, with a Tessar 4.5 lens (the best lens that has equipped this camera) and a Compur shutter. It is a metallic camera covered with leather, featuring double extension, two-directions lens shift and two viewfinders.
As most commonly with Zeiss cameras, the name of the model (or its number) is written somewhere on the camera. In the present case, the Donata 227/7 inscription is on the body of the camera, under the handle.

In 1929, Photo-Plait sold this camera with a Dominar 4.5 lens and an Ibsor 1/125 second shutter for 970 francs, whereas the version with Tessar 4.5 and Compur 1/200 second was sold for 1200 francs.

Zeiss Ikon Donata Survolez l'image

Cameras from Ebay France (Zeiss Ikon) (Uploaded each 3 hours)